
How long ago were you in Paris? Do you know Athens? Were you in New York at all? From now on you can tell your friends “I was there”. And you can prove it. Have a nice journey!

Wie lange seid ihr nicht mehr in Paris gewesen? Kennt ihr Athen? Wart ihr überhaupt jemals in New York? Ab jetzt könnt ihr allen euren Freunden erzählen, und bestätigen, dass ihr dort gewesen seid. Gute Reise!


1. Choose your favourite background

2. Check your position in relation to the image

3. You have 8 seconds between each shot, if you are fast, you can

change background for each one

4. In the lower pocket you can find „I ♥ “ cards to go with your city
5. Insert coin and... SMILE!

TOURISTOMAT was a temporary installation which took place in Kottbusser Tor, Berlin, on the 9th Feb 2013.

It was left there so that anyone could use it.

Thanks to 
Photoautomat Berlin
and everyone who participated.